Sílvia Gonzàlez Porqueres . Andreu Pont Aineto . + archmedium
BUR competition. 2nd place.
Transitoriness:The capacity to accept users that may stay for a year, or just for two days, in peaceful coexistence.”
Community:”Managing the level of depth in the relation with the rest of the users. ’’
Variability:”Each user has the possibility of adapting space to his/her own needs, handling the intermediate space towards the street.”
The Wall. The Wall as a characteristic element of the site, as a metaphor of something unfinished and as a example of how the boundaries between the inside and outside of homes are so strong they remove any possible link, losing the opportunity to enrich both spaces reciprocally.
Can we enlarge that boundary? We believe in a potentially habitable space halfway between being private and public, a space that is able to take you from home to the street.
Unfinished spaces are dealt with, tamed by the final user attending to his/her needs and are always placed according to the best solar orientation. This intermediate space is in charge of handling parameters such as Variability, Temporality or Community at home.
The problem ends up being part of the solution, whilst repeating modules that concentrate privacy and basic needs for any user, completed and related afterwards with the outside by those intermediate, adjacent light spaces.
This model takes over the site, perpendicularly to the flow of the river, trying to relate it to the main street, generating different open air spaces, where the contact between the inhabitants takes place and the transition from the street to their homes is carried out.
“The undefined space between the wall and the street as a definition of
way of living”