Tagesson . Karlsson

HIGH FIVE! . Europan 13 . Lund

Oskar Tagesson . HIGH FIVE! .Europan 13 . Lund (1)

Oskar Tagesson . Elin Karlsson . + europan

To keep your health and a clear mind you need oxygen and energy. We pro­pose a green circle around Lund that connects existing green areas and cre­ates new ways to leave and approach Lund from surrounding areas with bike or by walk.

The project site connects to the southern parts of the circle. Our proposal for this new part of Lund contains a mixed residential area from tight urban structures to small scale houses with their own gardens. All in the same dense area gathered around an activity line. The activity line is an urban park connected to the existing urban in north and wild in the south. We use the plans for a new trainstation to create a plaza with a cultural hub and small scale industries as an urban centre in this area. The high five, the activity scrapers is a way to create space for sports and other activities in a dense area, giving southern Lund new landmarks and a great view while you’re playing tennis, practise your dancesteps or watching birds. We connect the wild with the urban, the freedom with the rules, the sports with the culture and the intense with the recreational. This creates the dynamics for high quality in everyday life.

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