Lantieri . Lugli

Holds Up . Berlin

Francesca Lantieri . Jacopo Lugli . teachers: Johanna Meyer-Grohbrügge . Sam Chermayeff . Dessau Institute of Architecture

Berlin is a unique capital because of its interesting hystory.
_ the research
Also its developement is linked to it. After the wall fall it is totally reinvented itself: all the emprty plots and buildings have been occupied by the citizen to create informal activities for the public use. This is really unique and it represents the real spirit of this city. the situation is going to change and Berlin identity will disapper soon.

_ project developement

The idea for our project is to rethink the empty plots of the city creating an urban environment ready to satisfy the needs of Berlin. The building itself is part of the urban factory: it offers plots that can be bought but at the same time provides the space for free use of the citizen. The site is located in one of the most demanded district of Belrin, Mitte.

_ initial situation, typical plan Each of the six slubs represents a layer of the street, where various activities can happen. The space for the future developement is ready to be enclosed and the investors that want to buy it have the advantages of a provided structure, services and emergency circulation. The rest of the slub is ready to satisfy the needs of people that, once presented a programme of their activity, can occupy the space.

_ initial situation, elevation and section The elevation on FriedrichStrasse shows clearly the intention of mainteining the rhythm of the street. This is really typical in Berlin: the height of the buildings is really omogeneous. The section in the empty scenario wants to show the continuity of the structure, ready to satisfy the needs of the citizen.

_ hypothetical scenario, typical plan This hypothetical plan represents a possible evolution of the building. It is easy to understand that the activities of th buyers occur with different connotation according to the position of the plots but they always have a private 2m layer around them. The spontaneous activities take place around them avoiding (as decided in the rules) the proximity of the holes dedicated to enlight the building.

_ hypothetical scenario, elevation and section In the elevation and in the section of the hypothetical scenario the aim is to show that the buyers have the possibility to build higher structures or even lower than the provided one. This strengthens the idea of the reproduction of the empty plots of the city.