Manuel Ocaña

ESTACIÓN MED-O-MED . Accceso principal al Jardín del Reino de España . PARQUE DUNYA

Manuel Ocaña . + Funci

El Parque Dunya es una gran extensión de 4,6 Ha a unos 8 km al Oeste del centro de Argel

El área concreta de intervención se sitúa a unos 400 m. al Oeste del Barrio de Dely Ibrahim y se accede por un camino peatonal de tierra.
La intervención desarrollada en este proyecto ocupa unos 1500 m2 y se encuentra en la esquina Noroeste de la parcela asignada al Jardín del Reino de España dentro del complejo del Parque Dunya.
El proyecto consiste en construir el Accceso principal al Jardín del Reino de España -un proyecto de paisaje desarrollado por Teresa Galí Izard y su oficina Arquitectura y Agronomía- y fusionarlo con el concepto de Estación de la red de jardines islámicos Med-O-Med promocinado por la Fundación Cultura Islámica, FUNCI.
Dentro de las premisas de economía y sostenibilidad, la propuesta conserva y rehabilita tres edificaciones, dedicadas antaño a labores de granja, y las convierte en posibles centros de interpretación o aulas.
El acceso al parque se plantea en dirección Norte Sur, en el espacio longitudinal, de unos 7 m. de ancho por 45 de largo, que existe entre las construcciones principales. Se dignifica y tematiza con un umbráculo de 55 casetones hexagonales de 3,00 m. de diámetro, compactados de manera aleatoria.
Cada sombrilla Med-O-Med se construye con varillas de acero (Diametros de 15 a 30 mm de diámetro) . Se revisten en dos capas geométricas con motivos islámicos con cinta de cáñamo o sisal mediante elaboración artesanal.

Diseño y Concepto: Manuel Ocaña. 2102
Promotor: Funci. Fundación para la Cultura islámica.
Situación: Dely Ibrahim. Argel. Argelia
Paisajismo: Teresa Galí. Arquitectura Agronomía
Colaboradores: Miguel Molins, Deborah Mateo, Karolina Kurzak, María Ortiz Muyo, Yolanda Herranz, Laura Camarena
Presupuesto: 175.000 €


MED-O-MED is a botanic gardens network promoted by FUNCI (The Islamic Culture Foundation ). It was initiated to make up for the shortage offunds available for conserving biodiversity and natural and cultural heritage in the South and East of the Mediterranean basin and in the MiddleEastMED-O-MED aspires to making the development of Islamic countries in these regions compatible with the preservation of their environment andheritage. It aims to set up projects involving maximum participation by regional social and public agents, with total respect for geneticsovereignty and the cultural identity of the local populations, all within an inter-cultural and a multi-disciplinary approachIts commitment towards Nature bears no resemblance to the Judeo-Christian procedure, based on domination and subjugation. It is abidirectional agreement, where natural resources and human beings are mutually satisfied. Where technology and geometry are not violentlysuperimposed on Nature, but synergistically implemented on it.The materialization of the Med-o-Med Station is conceived as an updating of the green culture inherent to the sensorial Islamic garden.The development of the project intends to foster the didactic features of the prototype in order to demonstrate the feasibility of the Al-Andalusian culture in terms of contemporary landscape treatment and environmental concerns.The outcome of these premises is a station prototype, conceptualized throughout an educational abstraction of the Islamic gardens history,properties and complexity.The Islamic garden has traditionally differed from its Occidental version in physiological terms. While the classical Occidental garden is arrangedalmost exclusively attending to visual perception, the Islamic garden incorporates the five senses in its gestation. Its scents, whispers and thermalcomfort can be enjoyed with closed eyes.Properties of the garden-station setting:Undetermined, Ramdomly, Reverberating, Hypostyle, Flat, Stratifiable, Light, Centrifugal, Biological, Physiological, Sensorial, Reprogrammable,Thermodynamic, Heterogeneous, Aromatic, Edible, Hydraulic, Bio-attractive, Geometric, Agro-ecological, Systematic, Affordable and Profitable

Used materials: Wickerwork, Wooden or Steel thin columns, botanic species, water and solar panels

Progress. Innovation and transferability.
People. Ethical standards and social equity.
Planet. Enviromental quality and resource efficiency.
Prosperty. Economic Performance and compatibility
Proficiency. Contextual and aesthetic impact

The number of Botanic Gardens in the Mediterranean and the Middle East is currently insufficient to carry out, on site and off, the necessary tasks for the conservation of local flora and phytogenetic resources. A number of initiatives for creation of new sites are, however, increasingly taking place. In this section we feature botanic gardens members of the Med-O-Med network to better promote them.
Botanic gardens today have an important role in the conservation of rare species at risk of extinction. One third of the plants in the world are threaten, almost the same proportion as those that are grown today in botanic gardens, which have thus become repositories for the planet’s plant diversity. For this reason, MED-O-MED represents an efficient mechanism for North-South cooperation in the field of conservation of plant diversity.
Education and training are essential for sustainable development, for fighting poverty and conserving natural and cultural heritage. MED-O-MED proposes setting up pedagogic programs and training schemes regarding biodiversity and landscape heritage conservation that improve the living standards of their beneficiaries

The materialization of the Med-o-Med Station is conceived as an updating of the green culture inherent to the sensorial Islamic garden.The development of this system-project intends to foster the didactic features of the prototype in order to demonstrate the feasibility of the Al-Andalusian culture in terms of contemporary landscape treatment and environmental concerns.It is the first application of the whole transferable concept of the Med-o-Med botanic garden.

The project aspires to making the development of Islamic countries in these regions compatible with the preservation of their environment andheritage. It aims to set up projects involving maximum participation by regional social and public agents.The project s indetermination and commitment enable the use of natural resources, as well as the implementation of the local constructivetechniques, without altering the Med-o-Med s environmental awareness features.Education and training are essential for sustainable development, for fighting poverty and conserving natural and cultural heritage. MED-O-MEDproposes setting up pedagogic programs and training schemes regarding biodiversity and landscape heritage conservation that improve theliving standards of their beneficiaries.

The placement of the Med-o-Med station is centrifugal.The proposal consists on planting an oasis seed, a germ of a totally adaptable green system. A cultural and didactic seed that is able to generatean endless collection of contemporary Islamic landscapes.In addition Botanic gardens today have an important role in the conservation of rare species at risk of extinction.

The construction of a Med-o-Med station is relatively easy. The first step involves defining its site, size, programme and available budget. Oncethese parameters are fixed, a research on the vernacular construction, available materials and optimum species shall be carried out. Finally, thesystem would be adapted to the available resources.This flexibility is also applied into the economic area. Each Culture or country may only be able to offer certain specific resources. Thus,socioeconomic aspects are adaptable as well.The building technology is intended to be basic, and based upon agrarian constructions, featuring -nevertheless- a creative implementation.Water tanks are used worldwide, and its feasibility can be commonly acknowledged.The vast marquee, a flexible latticework, rests upon wooden or steel columns (subject to availability) and it is woven following a geometric,modular pattern.

Its size and placement procedure are totally adaptable to each particular context due to the systematic idiosyncrasy of the project, as well as to its100% renewable energy consumption protocol. The project is context-friendly. This is always positive for any context.- Smell: Scents of flowers and fruit- Hearing: Water and wind whispers- Sight: Colours: flowers/Contrasts: shadows/Reflections: water- Touch: Thermal comfort/Sun protection- Taste: Edible garden

Diseño y Concepto: Manuel Ocaña. 2102.
Promotor: Funci. Fundación para la Cultura islámica.
Situación: Dely Ibrahim. Argel. Argelia
Paisajismo: Teresa Galí. Arquitectura Agronomía
Colaboradores: Miguel Molins, Alvaro Molins, Karolina Kurzak,
Presupuesto: VARIABLE

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