Xaveer De Geyter . Stéphane Beel

Faculty of Economics . Ghent

Xaveer De Geyter Architects . Stéphane Beel Architects . photos: © Frans Parthesius . + archdaily

The campus path that crosses the building, the topography, the nearby existing economics building, and the new program together generate the form of the building. The path leads down from the street towards the roof of the existing building. On one side are organized all the vertical circulation shafts of the new building, on the other side a double height foyer is accessed from the path. Continue reading Xaveer De Geyter . Stéphane Beel


Xaveer De Geyter architecten (XDGA)

new Schuman square . Brussels

Xaveer De Geyter architecten (XDGA) . one schuman

The architects bureau Xaveer de Geyter from Brussels is the laureate of the international urban design competition for the redevelopment of the new Schuman square. The bureau is assisted by Tritel (mobility), Ney and Partner (stability) and Michel Desvigne (landscape architecture).
The competition was organized by BELIRIS in association with the International Union of Architects; the jury consisted of representatives of the Federal State, the Brussels Capital Region (among whom the Brussels Master Architect Olivier Bastin), the European Commission, the European Council, the City of Brussels and a team of international experts.
In the meantime, the project will be further elaborated with the main public shareholders and the residents concerned; the realization of the project is planned for 2015; the project cost is estimated at € 16 million.
An exhibition with a survey of all introduced projects is planned in the beginning of 2012.

The jury particularly appreciated the strength, elegance, readability and simplicity of the project, which proposes a real attractivity and identity to the square, and both succeeds in solving most of the technical and practical issues in a single urban gesture. The jury also highlighted the capacity of the project to create a new urban focus point without damaging the existing important focus points, especially as far as the project enhances the link with the surroundings, for example the Jubilee Park.
Continue reading Xaveer De Geyter architecten (XDGA)