WE architecture . Freja Ejendomme

Hospital transformation . Haderslev

WE architecture . Freja Ejendomme

How do you re-use 60.000 m2’s of hospital. WE architecture was asked to develop visions for the re-use of Haderslev Hospital. Located in Sonderjylland, the countryside of Denmark, the task also included a strategical analysis of the region in order to identify the potential markets for a re-use of the hospital. Continue reading WE architecture . Freja Ejendomme


WE architecture . CREO

New Medical Center . Moscow

WE architecture . CREO ARKITEKTER A/S . + archdaily

The New Moscow Medical Center, a first-prize winner for a design competition by invitation, seeks to carry the torch for the next generation of healthcare in Moscow, Russia. Combining the functionalism of today’s healthcare with the humanistic qualities of past architecture, the Moscow Medical Center introduces a facility fine-tuned for those inside. Continue reading WE architecture . CREO