Think Architecture

Falken Conversion . THUN

Think Architecture . photos: © Simone Bossi

The listed Art Nouveau building from 1835 was extensively renovated and expanded with a pavilion-like annex along the Aare River. Various alterations at the end of the last century obscured the quality of the historically valuable “Falken”. For example, the atrium as well as the ground floor were largely destroyed and – on the side of the Aare – the historic substance was extended without care. Continue reading Think Architecture


Think Architecture

Hotel Alpina Conversion . Davos

Think Architecture . images: © Think Architecture | Nightnurse Images . + World-Architects

Extensive renovation work has been completed at the 100-year-old Hotel Alpina. The basic historic structure has been transformed and replaced with a more generous floorplan in the form of seven individual units. The prestigious listed south façade, with its characteristic cylindrical atrium, has been subtly restored and returned almost to its original condition. The carefully designed combination of historic elements and up-to-date interventions to the design of the façade is continued inside the building. Continue reading Think Architecture