System Arquitectura

MAYORAL 3 | Nueva Nave Centro . Málaga

SYSTEM ARQUITECTURA . photos: © Fernando Alda

The new building is located on the Mayoral Campus in Intelhorce, Málaga, next to the protected warehouse of Vázquez Molezún, rehabilitated by the same team in 2018. The idea of the project lies in the urban implantation within the complex next to the existing warehouse. The high-storage program requires bringing the new building to a height of 20 meters with a floor area of over 15,000 square meters, making it a massive volume very close to the existing building, which is only 11 meters high. That is why it had to be treated with the necessary sensitivity to integrate conveniently with its neighbor. Integration not only at the volumetric level but also at the conceptual level, seeking a common language rooted in the textile industry represented by both buildings. Continue reading System Arquitectura


System Arquitectura


System Arquitectura . REMODELACIÓN DE LAS NAVES INTELHORCE - MAYORAL . Málaga afasia (1)

System Arquitectura . photos: © Fernando Alda

El proyecto se entiende como dos partes claramente diferenciadas, interconectadas y organizadas en torno a un eje central común. Por ello tratamos con una estética diferente ambas zonas aunque las conectemos puntualmente. Por un lado, una zona urbanizada que debemos diseñar para su uso a comiezos del 2019. Por otro, una zona de expansión blanda, que tenemos que preparar para el futuro crecimiento pero que será tratada como una actuación paisajística. Continue reading System Arquitectura