courtesy of DANIELE DURANTE_studiobv36

One of the strongest suggestions in the design approach is the presence in the area of high density buildings and the proximity to a  ten- storey block occupied by  the national telephone company. These contextual relations have pushed the project idea towards a dialogue with the urban scale, making the building like a “perspective block”, with a strong plastic impact.
The typology of block, defined by exact urban alignments opening and extending themselves towards the city, has been transformed  from a closed object into a vertical sequence of variable flat elements.
The building is composed by eight longitudinal volumes, juxtaposed one over the other in an apparently casual relationship. This solution provides also functional aspects, like shadowing of main facade by jutting volumes.
At the same time solar exposition is controlled by a particular technological system that combines low -emissivity glass properties with a special polycarbonate panel made from triangular matrix interposed between two glass layers. Continue reading DANIELE DURANTE studiobv36