
Casa 8×8 . Sevilla

Sol89. Casa 8x8 . Sevilla Fernando Alda afasia (10)

Sol89 arquitectos . photos: © Fernando Alda

Las crujías de la vivienda histórica popular de Sevilla apenas alcanzan los tres metros de anchura, debido a la longitud de la madera de rollizo o las pequeñas escuadrías con las que se solían forjar. Esta unidad de medida ofrece una escala doméstica reconocible que se repite en el magma continuo del tejido histórico de la ciudad. La escasa dimensión resultante de los espacios limitados por los muros no permite que la estancia y el recorrido convivan en una misma crujía, de ahí la galería, la escalera exterior y el patio como espacios de comunicación tradicional. Continue reading Sol89



HOUSE 10 x10 . Sevilla

Sol89 . HOUSE 10 x10 . Sevilla Fernando Alda afasia (1)

Sol89. María González y Juanjo López de la Cruz . photos: © Fernando Alda

Active spaces
An urban home with an extensive family program like this one requires a large number of technical and minor places as important for domestic life as those we usually call main spaces. Bathrooms, toilets, kitchens, cabinets, laundry room, clothesline, rooms and spaces for facilities, warehouses, wardrobes, planters, stairs, bicycle racks and terraces constitute a repertoire of active spaces that are as decisive as those dedicated to rest and relaxation. Continue reading Sol89



Oficina en el interior de una manzana . Córdoba

Sol89. Oficina en el interior de una manzana . Córdoba (2)

Sol89 . fotos: © Fernando Alda

El tejido urbano del centro de Córdoba se compone de manzanas densas caladas por infinidad de patios que confieren a este lugar el carácter de un espacio nunca del todo conocido. Al adentrarnos en el interior de este parcelario encontramos una amalgama de construcciones de épocas diversas donde lleno y vacío se alternan dotando de luz, aire y privacidad al interior. Este territorio de luces y sombras queda articulado por toda la colección de espacios intermedios que nutren el acervo arquitectónico meridional. Adarves, zaguanes, pasajes, corredores, patios, galerías, solanas y, finalmente, el paisaje fragmentado de las cubiertas, componen una red de espacios vaciados que se intercalan en la densidad urbana dotando de continuidad al espacio público que acaba por adentrarse en el corazón edificado. Continue reading Sol89



T. Culinary workshop . Sevilla

Sol89 . T. Culinary workshop . Sevilla afasia (12)

Sol89 . María González y Juanjo López de la Cruz . photos: © Fernando Alda


This delightful little locale where the culinary workshop takes place has a particular volume in which everything relates to the central cast-iron column that presides over the premises. From the bleak light that seeps through the two façade openings and in from the backyard, we can see the powerful brickwork walls that reveal the constructional history of the building located in this historic city, in Boteros Street, an old word meaning wineskins were sold there and whose etymology is partly recovered with this locale’s latest venture. Continue reading Sol89



Contemporary art space in a former convent . Sevilla

Sol89 . Contemporary art space in a former convent . Sevilla (5)

Sol89 . fotos: © Fernando Alda

The intervention interprets the building where is inserted, an old convent, as a context in constant transformation over time. The project arises from a reflection around the creation process in contemporary art, its unpredictable condition and the current dissolution of limits between the space of production and exhibition. We can recognize that much of contemporary art expression understands the architectural space as a matter of work (we remember Shibboleth by Doris Salcedo breaking the floor of the Tate Modern in London in 2007, High Plane V by Katterin Sigurdardottir occupying the false ceiling of the PS1 in New York or Esto no es un graffiti where artists demolished some facings of walls in the same place of our project). We think the contemporary exhibition space shouldn’t be projected like a static room in time but like a neverending space in ellipsis, waiting for each exhibition come for completing it. The intervention is projected like a variable and reversible space. The walls and ceiling will be covered by slats of wood, the separation between them will allow see the original brick walls, showing the textures of the bricks and the wounds caused by centuries that we have discovered in this first phase, that narrate time builds too as in Yourcenar’s quote. At the same time, this wooden structure overlapped to the ancient walls will allow the acces to all installations in any point of space. Our intervention will act as an initial installation in the space rather than an architectural construction. A temporary display related to the existing volume that enables the development of future exhibitions and could be disassembled like one of these, revealing what is truly valuable in this old building in a patrimonial sense is the matter, space and light rather than styles or decorations. Continue reading Sol89