Sharon Hayes

Everything Else Has Failed! Don’t You Think It’s Time For Love? . 2007

+ Tate

Five loudspeakers stand facing five posters, reciting letters to unnamed lovers. The letters are highly emotional and intimate fraught with despair desire and longing. She speaks about her sense of helplessness during the unfolding invasion and occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan, the trauma and dislocation of living in a moment of war as a U.S. citizen and feeling dislocated from her daily life. Continue reading Sharon Hayes


Sharon Hayes

I March In The Parade of Liberty But As Long As I Love You I’m Not Free . 2007/8

+ audio completo

Whitney Museum of American Art . Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía . photos: © Andrea Geyer. © Kristine Woods . + TANYA LEIGHTON . Sharon Hayes

Utilizando estrategias metodológicas y conceptuales procedentes de ámbitos discursivos como el teatro, la danza, la antropología, el trabajo con archivos o el periodismo, los proyectos de Sharon Hayes (Baltimore, EE.UU., 1970) exploran las relaciones, no exentas de tensiones, entre historia, política y lenguaje, e intentan diseccionar los mecanismos simbólicos y narrativos a través de los cuales se va construyendo el imaginario colectivo.
Continue reading Sharon Hayes