Scott Rasmusson Källander

Boge friggars . GOTLAND

Boge Friggars Gotland

SR-K AB Scott Rasmusson Källander . photos © ANNA SUNDSTRÖM

Boge friggars is a small area with 5 summer houses on the island of Gotland.

The solid wooden houses are situated by the shore of the Baltic sea. The exposed wooden construction and large windows floats above , reflects and blends into the rough and untouched landscape. The houses have a solid and an open half. The solid one is private and contains bedrooms and bathrooms. Here you are surrounded and close to the trees and forest. The open half is public and programmed with LDK that overlooks the grass field and ocean. Continue reading Scott Rasmusson Källander


Scott Rasmusson Källander

ÖSB . Uppsala

Scott Rasmusson Källander .  ÖSB . Uppsala afasia (1)

Scott Rasmusson Källander . photos: © Scott Rasmusson Källander

The new neighborhood of Östra Sala Backe, Uppsala is being developed, with a focus on creating a distinct identity and social sustainability. Our contribution, in the new city block, is a 6,000m2 multi-functional building with a combination of elderly care, kindergarten, café and social housing completely constructed of prefabricated wooden modules. ÖSB is an example of how a social program, prefabricated systems, architecture and sustainability can be combined in a successful and affordable way. Continue reading Scott Rasmusson Källander