MBA Headquarters . Saint-Jacques de la Lande

Siege MGA - Atelier RAUM

RAUM architecte . photos: © Gaëtan Chevrier . plans : © RAUM

Isolated in the “domino” area of the Courrouze district (B. Secchi – P. Vigano urban planners), this office project has a unique position at the intersection of the new metro line and Parkway.

Leaning against the perimeter wall of the military base, the project is based on a simple frame with the different functions overlaid in recognisable layers: the commercial ground floor is integrated into the public space and uses the top of the ramp access to the underground car park as useful bleachers. Continue reading RAUM



Pierres Blanches Cultural center . Saint Jean de Boiseau

© Stephane Chalmeau


A soft integration in the landscape that accompanies the development of the city.

Neither in the center of the town, nor really on its outskirts, regarding the urban development of the northern part of the street Pierres blanches, the location of the project offers the opportunity to reinforce the development of the city by asserting the public character of this facilities and equipment. Continue reading RAUM



le temps sur mesure . Bagneux

raum . le temps sur mesure . Bagneux  (1)

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“Le temps sur mesure” at Bagneux Blanchard – Croizat Fortin, France, winning entry for the competition “Inventons la métropole du Grand Paris”. Continue reading raum