Pascal Flammer Architekten

Rocks and Sea house . Isle of Harris

Pascal Flammer Architekten . + Book ISLAND

I look at the sea and I know it is just a tiny border of something very big and wet. I can only imagine the ocean in my head, so it remains a concept. I am familiar with rocks – they are also endless – but I don’t have that mystical relation to them: rocks are just pieces of stone lying somewhere, hard and physical – but also beautiful. This project is about these two conditions. Continue reading Pascal Flammer Architekten


Pascal Flammer Architekten

Lido Mythenquai . Zürich

Pascal Flammer Architekten

The restaurant stands in a park at the shore of Lake Zurich. It is only open in summer. In winter it is closed. The outer skin is made of a 15 cm single concrete shell – like the cloth of a tent. Primary forms are reminiscent of children drawings or a circus. The building is light and heavy, physical, precise and slutty – strangely beautiful amongst the scattered old trees. Continue reading Pascal Flammer Architekten


Pascal Flammer

Quidinish Isle of Harris

Pascal Flammer . AE Foundation

This project proposes that we understand our days as a curious and continuous stroll through a series of strongly defined conditions; as a short-circuited continuum of spaces around an inner garden, with an atelier, which leads us from one space to another. All spaces have a distinct and defined function, an inner spatial logic and a specific relation to their surroundings which alternate according to the weather and position of the sun. The endless circular promenade and the acceptance of the perpetual ‘chatoyant’ conditions merge these fragments into one. Continue reading Pascal Flammer