Brandenberger Kloter

Kindergarten . Winkel Rüti

© Basile Bornand

Brandenberger Kloter Architekten

The Kindergarten (day-care center) in Winkel Rüti, Switzerland is located between a school for children with disabilities and a new housing estate. The project is significant for its split-level design, one that adapts smoothly to the existing topography. On the lower level there is an afterschool day care center with a panorama view, aimed at children ages four to ten. A wide staircase leads to the upper level, where the two daytime nursery school units (Kindergarten i.e. for children ages four to six) face the courtyard and a private playground. The child’s perspective forms the foundation of the design strategy with integrated sleeping and playroom areas, places to hide and varying floor levels. The rooms in the upper and in the lower area are all connected to each other in such a way that a circular walkaround is possible. Continue reading Brandenberger Kloter


Brandenberger Kloter

Single-family house . Riehen

Brandenberger Kloter . Single-family house . Riehen Basile Bornand afasia (1)

Brandenberger Kloter . photos: © Basile Bornand

Auf einen bestehenden Keller eines 50er Jahre Hauses am Dorfrand von Riehen wurde ein zweigeschossiges Einfamilienhaus entworfen. Um einen Kern, der gleichzeitig die Erdbebensicherheit gewährleistet, organisieren sich die Wohn- und Schlafraume. Als attraktive Besonderheit liegt hinter dem Haus eine weitläufige Wiesenlandschaft. Durch die Höhenstaffelung im Gebäudeschnitt konnte ein überhöhter Wohnraum entwickelt werden der das einmalige Landschaftsbild ins Haus leitet. Die Aussenwände sind aus einem massiven Einsteinmauerwerk. Dieses wurde verputzt und mit einer dreischichtigen Lasur mit Tiefenwirkung versehen. Continue reading Brandenberger Kloter


Brandenberger Kloter

new school . Pfeffingen

Schulhaus Pfeffingen

Brandenberger Kloter Architekten . photos: © Basile Bornand

The new school year in the Swiss village of Pfeffingen (Baselland) began in August with a new elementary schoolhouse. The new building by Architektenpartner Oliver Brandenberger and Adrian Kloter brings together the requirements set by the harmonisation of the Swiss educational system and the concept of a simple, child-oriented interior design. At the same time the new schoolhouse consolidates the existing buildings into an urban ensemble. Continue reading Brandenberger Kloter


Oliver Brandenberger

Erbengemeinschaft Kleiber building . Basel

© Basile Bornand

Oliver Brandenberger Architekten

The residantial building is located in Basel Gundeldingen district, in the Arlesheimerstrasse. The typology is a mixture maisonette flats and two one-floor apartments. One duplex apartment is on the ground floor, the other on the 4th floor. In between them, the other two dwellings are located on the 2nd and 3rd floors. Continue reading Oliver Brandenberger