A key stage in the redevelopment of Berlin’s historic Tempelhof Airport has recently completed, with the opening of a 600m² rooftop walkway and 360° viewing platform on the 26m high airport tower, constructed with Kebony wood decking. Continue reading :mlzd
Tag: MLZDMostrar todas las entradas
:mlzd . Sollberger Bögli
:mlzd . Sollberger Bögli Architects . photos: © Ariel Huber
The new football stadium is located in the Northern part of the city of Lausanne, at the point where the city’s dense urban fabric gives way to the more open countryside. The sports infrastructure at the new “Centre Sportif de la Tuilière” comprises nine football pitches, arranged in two rows, in addition to an athletics facility with a training centre. The stadium picks up on the idea of the slightly offset rectangular pitches, taking it even further. Positioned at a slight angle to the training pitches, the stadium square is orchestrated to form the city-side entry point to the sports campus. Continue reading :mlzd . Sollberger Bögli
:mlzd Architekten
:mlzd Architekten . renders: © loomn
Mit dem Neubau des Kultur- und Konzertgebäudes KIFF 2.0 soll im Telli-Quartier direkt neben dem heutigen – in einer ehemaligen Futterfabrik eingemieteten – KIFF ein hochflexibles Kulturkompetenzzentrum des Kantons Aargau entstehen. Geprägt von teils grossmassstäblichen Industriegebäuden tritt die unmittelbare Umgebung des KIFFs homogen und eintönig in Erscheinung. Die Gegensätzlichkeit zwischen der Gewöhnlichkeit des Ortes und den herausragenden Kulturevents des KIFF als Inspiration erachtend, versucht die vorgeschlagene Architektur vermittelnd wie auch stärkend in den Kontext einzugreifen. Continue reading :mlzd Architekten
Public space is under pressure – commercialized for economic interests, abused as a playground for event culture, and maneuvered into insignificance through private acts of self-staging. Is its original function as a forum for public life coming to an end? At the same time, there are ever more standards, regulations, and requirements designed to guarantee safety and functionality. Does this reduce the creative possibilities for new architecture to react to the specifics of the location? If so, how are buildings being affected by these processes? Continue reading mlzd:
:MLZD . photos: © Ariel Huber . + dezeen
The Cistercian monastery in Wettingen is a cultural monument of national importance. When the cantonal school moved into the monastery premises in 1979, the school’s sports hall with a swimming pool was constructed on the common land outside the monastery area. To maintain the historical view of the monastery, the sports hall and swimming pool were built underground, around a deep courtyard with longitudinal sides that provided the adjoining gymnasiums with daylight. Continue reading :MLZD