Jan Wiese


Jan Wiese Architekten . photos: © Simon Menges

My parents’ house was on a slope. On an incline of about 1.50 metres. In those days the developer had thought to himself that it would be clever to raise the ground floor up a bit more to let the new owners get out to the garden, which was at ground level. Continue reading Jan Wiese


JWA . hinrichs wilkening

Herbert-Wehner-Haus . DRESDEN

JWA . Herbert-Wehner-Haus . DRESDEN afasia © Simon Menges (1)

JWA BERLIN . Hinrichs Wilkening Architekten . photos: © Simon Menges

Half parking area, half flowering urban field – this was the appearance of the Packhof (stockyard) site in the old city centre of Dresden for a long time. For years the derelict yet prime-location piece of land was earmarked to become an art district, as a contemporary-progressive counterpart to the historical and reconstructed buildings of the city centre. But the development of the Packhof site stagnated, while subplots continued to be sold off.

Konzentration GmbH, an in-house SPD company, purchased a parcel of land from a Munich investor in 2015 and commissioned JWA with the planning of the Herbert-Wehner-Haus, which in the meantime has been handed over to the occupants. The first cornerstone of the new neighbourhood is home to the Herbert and Greta Wehner Foundation, the Saxony Workers’ Welfare Association and the Saxony branch of the SPD. On the ground floor, which is jointly used, is a public area with rooms for events and exhibitions. Continue reading JWA . hinrichs wilkening