JA arquitectura . Groendak

De Maassilotop . Rotterdam

JA arquitectura . Groendak. De Maassilotop . Rotterdam  (1)

JA arquitectura . Groendak

JA arquitectura + Groendak proposal has been chosen as the winner among 60 other proposals submitted to the contest. It was chosen by the municipality of Rotterdam as the best project to transform the Maassilo roofs, highlighting its sustainable values. Together with the EU program LIFE, Rotterdam is contributing to the integration of sustainable and climate-proof projects. LIFE@UrbanRoofs comes from this program and stimulates development for multifunctional roofs and new cases that can highlight the benefits of multi-functional roofs. Additionally, the proposal received the second prize for the extension of the Factory010 nightclub.
Now begins a process of collaboration between the winners of the competition, the municipality of Rotterdam and Maassilo framed within the Stadslab Maashaven. The ideas will be developed in to a solid project seeking financial support and the interest of potential investors. Continue reading JA arquitectura . Groendak


JA arquitectura


JA . RESIDENCIA EN SON MARTORELL . Palma de Mallorca (1)

JA arquitectura

L’emplaçament d’aquest edifici es troba en un entorn urbà a poca distància del passeig marítim i del límit entre lo urbà i els terrenys rurals d’horta i cultiu. L’entorn urbà format per blocs plurifamiliars aïllats d’escala mitjana no permet la integració d’un edifici de gran volum, per tant la proposta opta per la implantació d’un edifici articulat en 3 volums, d’aquesta manera és redueix l’impacte visual del nou edifici i permet la correcte integració en la trama urbana. Continue reading JA arquitectura


Ja Architecture Studio

The Offset House . Toronto

© Sam Javanrouh

Ja Architecture Studio . photos: © Sam Javanrouh

The architectural idea of the project is to capture south light exposure on an east-west lot by splitting and offsetting the second floor of a narrow and deep infill house. The offset between the two levels in section becomes an opening that allows the south light into the main floor and in plan it becomes a void that allows a straight cascading stair to pass through. Continue reading Ja Architecture Studio