
Art museum and Cultural quarter . Kristiansand

homu . Art museum and Cultural quarter . Kristiansand (1)

homu . + kunstsilo

homu awarded an honourable mention in the open architecture competition to design the Art museum and Cultural quarter in Kristiansand, Norway. Continue reading homu



School complex . Puos d’Alpago

homu .  School complex . Puos d'Alpago afasia (1)


The project for a new education campus in Puos d’Alpago suggests a landscape infrastructure becoming architecture; the future school interacts with multipurpose facilities existing on site or new ones.
A set of linear elements defines different open spaces and connects all the buildings on site. A continuous system of protected pathways defines a safe, but permeable, place, and encourages the crossing of the site and suggests the interaction between the various proposed programs. Continue reading homu



Via delle Orsole . Milan

homu . Via delle Orsole . Milan (2)


About sixty years after its construction, the building complex formerly home of the small Credito Bergamasco (Antonio Cassi Ramelli, 1957-1962) has today the opportunity to rethink its spaces, renewing uses and programs, in order to re-join the dynamics of a central area of Milan.
The challenge of diversifying the programmatic offer in a building set up as mono-functional, is associated with the redefinition of the urban image of the fragmented and obsolete building and guaranteeing exemplary levels of energy performance. Continue reading homu



apartment renovation . Bologna

homu. apartment renovation . Bologna  (1)

homu . photos: © homu

The project is a renovation of an apartment in Bologna, near Porta Santo Stefano.
The flat, well distributed and functional, was perhaps lacking in character.
The client, a young lady who has always worked abroad and who has lived and traveled in many countries, was looking for a bright, comfortable home that could be transformed according to current or future needs.
The interior reflects the need for flexibility and cozy neutrality. Continue reading homu



A scale to the sky . Bologna

HOMU . A scale to the sky . Bologna  (1)


Bologna was named Silva Turrita in the late Middle Age. In a representation of the city in the XII sec. Bologna was a little Manhattan.
Nowadays just a few towers still exist. Continue reading HOMU