Helen Mirra

Third oak . 2003

Photos: © Stephen White & Co . + Large Glass

The exhibition’s title is a translation into Esperanto of ‘the empty room is beautiful’. This phrase is itself a reordering of a phrase within a letter that the writer Franz Kafka sent to Milena Jesenská, in which he wrote, ‘the beautiful room is empty.’ Continue reading Helen Mirra


Helen Mirra

February . 2018

February . 2018

+ Peter Freeman

I’ve been thinking about asterisks lately, both as typographic marks and as actual small stars in the sky (asterisk being the diminutive of aster [star]). As a symbol it is particularly multivalent: it can been used in proofreading to mark repetition, it is sometimes enlisted simply for emphasis, and it can serve as a verb as well as noun. In linguistics it indicates a word that has no historical record of use, and it has many applications in mathematics. Continue reading Helen Mirra