Hans Haacke

Fotonotizen, documenta 2 . 1959

Fotoreproduktionen von Hans Haacke SW-Fotos fotografiert  24.08.2010

Photos: © Hans Haacke/VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2017 . + mgk siegen

The experience of working as an exhibition guard and art handler at documenta 2 in 1959 was fundamental to Hans Haacke’s understanding of the operative rules of the field of art. Overhearing curators’ conversations dissuaded him, for instance, from ever depending on the sale of his art to cover his basic expenses. Continue reading Hans Haacke


Hans Haacke

The Business Behind Art Knows the Art of the Koch Brothers . 2014

+ The Paula Cooper Gallery

The Business Behind Art Knows the Art of the Koch Brothers relates to the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s two new fountains, which occupy the museum plaza since September 2014. The title of the work quotes a leaflet published by the Metropolitan Museum stating, “The Business Behind Art Knows the Art of Good Business.” Continue reading Hans Haacke


Hans Haacke

Helmsboro Country (unfolded) . 1990

+ Paula Cooper Gallery. Jesús Arcos

Detrás de su ambigüa apariencia de inocente objeto pop, las advertencias impresas en la cajetilla de Helmsboro Country descubren la habitual carga politíca de la obra de Haacke, aludiendo a Philip Morris, patrocinadora de exposiciones como Picasso and Braque: Pionering Cubism, MoMA 1989 pero a la vez generosa contribuyente del senador Helms, famoso por su oposición a las ayudas al arte contemporáneo y a los enfermos de SIDA. Continue reading Hans Haacke