Gimeno Guitart

Church and Parish Center Santa Maria Assumpta . Tarragona

Gimeno Guitart . Church and Parish Center Santa Maria Assumpta . Tarragona (1)

Gimeno Guitart . Barcode Architects . . photos: © pedro pegenaute . + architizer

The new Church of Santa Maria Assumpta in Tarragona, emerges as a hard-skinned rock in the urban scene.
The design of the church is articulated around two main ideas:
1- The monument: the church as a collective space must be vindicated as an urban event within the city.
2- The mystery: the church as a place for praying must consider a unique singular space, capable of conveying the idea of transcendence. Continue reading Gimeno Guitart


gimeno guitart

Cultural center and auditorium . Orio

gimeno guitart . Cultural center and auditorium . Orio (1)

gimeno guitart

The new auditorium and cultural center should be seen as a large covered plaza next to the firth. Our proposal is formed by a series of building additions that vary in use and size. Playfully mimicking the distinctive boats moored in the port, the size-decreasing volumes configure the shape of the building resulting in a fragmented and abstract sculptural sequence. Continue reading gimeno guitart