Living Places . Copenhagen

EFFEKT . photos: © Adam Mørk

Living Places Copenhagen showcases a new way of thinking – one that is centred around building a better living environment that benefits both people and the planet. The seven prototypes – five open pavilions and two completed full-scale homes – show how we can develop more sustainable homes with a three times lower CO2 footprint and a first-class indoor climate. The Living Places concept holds the lowest CO2 emissions in Denmark, demonstrating that we do not have to wait for future technology to build more sustainably. Continue reading EFFEKT



Treetop Walk Hamaren Activity Park . Fyresdal

EFFEKT . photos: © Rasmus Hjortshøj

The one-kilometer long and two meters wide plank boardwalk extends on pillars all the way from the forest floor, along Lake Fyresvatn, up between the treetops, along the mountain ridge, and up to the summit of Klokkarhamaren. At the trail’s end, a considerable circular viewpoint with a diameter of 50 meters provides a spectacular 360-degree view over the pine forest, clear lakes, and rock formations that make up the natural landscape. Continue reading EFFEKT



Južna Dolina . Bratislava

EFFEKT . Južna Dolina . Bratislava (1)


Južna Dolina (South Valley) is a 120.000 m2 residential development in west Južné Mesto in Bratislava, Slovakia. It is located at the southern edge of Petržalka next to open farmland and the beautiful Donau river. Continue reading EFFEKT