Dellekamp Schleich

IESEC University . Saltillo

Dellekamp Schleich . photos: © César Bejar . © Sandra Pereznieto

In search of the utopia of accessible knowledge, an enthusiastic director decides to bet on a new campus where applied arts and technical learning can interact.

The campus is located within a university zone on two of Saltillo’s most important roads, so the strategy was to create a programmatic threshold that would connect the different scales of the city with the campus to obtain a common spot. Continue reading Dellekamp Schleich


Dellekamp/Schleich . AGENdA

Señor de Tula sanctuary . Jojutla de Juárez

Dellekamp/Schleich . AGENdA agencia de arquitectura . photos: © Sandra Pereznieto

In Jojutla, Morelos, Mexico, the earthquake of September 19, 2017 left more than 2,600 houses destroyed and almost all of their public infrastructures, such as schools, squares and the central church, were turned into ruins. Our team was in charge of the reconstruction of the Sanctuary of the Lord of Tula, a center of patrimonial worship with more than five centuries of history. Continue reading Dellekamp/Schleich . AGENdA