This is all about building a logical, simple and economical piece; a storehouse to replace the shed which currently houses the sails of the Sotogrande Sailing Club’s yachts. We would like to demonstrate once again how architecture is capable, despite a limited budget, of devising an exquisite piece.
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Tag: Campo BaezaMostrar todas las entradas
El edificio se sitúa en las afueras de Zúrich, con muy buenas comunicaciones tanto por tren como por autobús y coche. Y si nos elevamos del nivel de la calle descubrimos unas hermosas vistas frente a los Alpes.
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Alberto Campo Baeza
Alberto Campo Baeza . photos: © Javier Callejas
The brief was to build a house on a hilltop outside of the city of Toledo. The hill faces southwest and offers interesting views of the distant horizon, reaching the Gredos Mountains to the northeast.
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Alberto Campo Baeza
Alberto Campo Baeza . photos: © Javier Callejas . + contemporist
To build a house for a poet. To make a house for dreaming, living and dying. A house in which to read, to write and to think.
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Alberto Campo Baeza
ALBERTO CAMPO BAEZA . photos: © Javier Callejas Sevilla . + baunetz
We raise high stone walls built of the same stone as the Zamora Cathedral, that follow the outline of he site, like a box open to the sky. We thus achieve a secret garden in which we conserve and plant leafy trees, aromatic plants and flowers.
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