BUREAU Daniel Zamarbide, Carine Pimenta and Galliane Zamarbide . photos: © Dylan Perrenoud

The exploration of domestic spaces goes on, working on creative variations of supports and stages for the everyday life. If there is anything like a standard family, statistically it would be this one: cohabitants of a given space, not necessarily coming from the same parenthood. They have different rhythms, different lives. They meet and spend time together at home, they navigate between different homes. Continue reading BUREAU



Thérese . Sergy

BUREAU (Daniel Zamarbide, Carine Pimenta, Galliane Zamarbide) . photos: © Dylan Perrenoud

This is a story that began in the Swiss mountains as an echo of the writings of the Swiss novelist Charles-Ferdinand Ramuz. This plot gave birth to Antoine, a peculiar architectural creature that welcomes many nomadic inhabitants and nature enthusiasts since 2014, offering them shelter inside the figure of the boulder. The story continues, becoming a short series with the appearance of a new member, Thérese, built in 2022. Continue reading BUREAU



SAWERDŌ (Bakery & Coffee) . Geneva

BUREAU (Daniel Zamarbide, Carine Pimenta, Galliane Zamarbide) . photos: © Dylan Perrenoud

Two years of covid have pushed everyone to a certain level of distrust. We started the project of the Sawerdo with the fear that putting people around a table was an endangered gathering format. The risk was taken, a sort of hopeful leap of faith by the founders, believing that the jumping microbes of a too-close neighbour would never be an obstacle to being together. Continue reading BUREAU



Distant Lights . SINES

BUREAU (Daniel Zamarbide, Carine Pimenta, Galliane Zamarbide) . photos: © Nuno Cera

Inside the world of the Distant Lights walls and floors converse in landscape mode with extruded plinths and strolling visitors. In a certain way, it is a very general and discrete promenade into the diversity of art formats and supports purposely confusing and blurring the limits of sculpture, painting, photography, frescos, installation art, film and video art. Distant Lights, the rich work of Nuno Cera. Continue reading BUREAU