Boltshauser Architekten

new visitor and information center (BIZ) . Stuttgart

Boltshauser Architekten

The new visitor and information center (BIZ) will provide the area around the Weißenhofsiedlung with a previously missing urban building block and focal point. An address-forming and publicly accessible building is being created as a link between the UNESCO World Heritage Site and the Academy of Fine Arts (ABK). On the occasion of the International Building Exhibition (IBA) in 2027, but also beyond, the project proposal creates a place of further development, innovation and confrontation with contemporary issues in the sense of a “showplace”. With the design of the BIZ, a lighthouse project is being created for IBA 27 with today’s understanding of a high level of building culture in all its facets. Continue reading Boltshauser Architekten


Boltshauser Architekten

Multifamily house Kilchberg . Zurich

Boltshauser Architekten . photos: © Kuster Frey

The site is located on the border of the city of Zurich and newly accommodates a multi-family house with seven residential units. The building is positioned on the hillside and spans between the Grenzsteig and the neighbouring urban agricultural area. The approximately 100-year-old residential building in the south-east corner of the site has been retained, and its façades renovated. Together with the existing building, the new building is naturally integrated into the neighbourhood due to its urban grain and contextual references. Continue reading Boltshauser Architekten