BGP . Lazzarini

Centre for the elderly Du . St. Moritz

Bob Gysin Partner Architekten . Mierta & Kurt Lazzarini Architekten . photos: © Roger Frei . + baunetz

Where once was one of the first luxury hotels in the region, a new social building is being created that evokes associations with one’s own home. The urban setting clarifies the urban development fallow and contributes to the formation of a neighborhood by offering a (village) square. In order to accompany people who need care and support in a variety of ways and in varying degrees of intensity, the internal structures are geared towards flexibility and efficient processes. On the other hand, plenty of natural light, generous access areas, and open communal areas create a pleasant ambience for living and working. Continue reading BGP . Lazzarini


Bob Gysin

Building within the existing fabric . Zurich

Bob Gysin Partner . photos: © Beat Bühler

This apartment building in Zurich Wiedikon, dating from 1896, was refurbished and extended with the aim of preserving affordable, urban living space. Challenging conditions such as the landmarked building substance, the small number of apartments and the need to keep refurbishment costs low were met with careful and minimal intervention. Continue reading Bob Gysin


Bob Gysin


Bob Gysin . KRIPPE BELUGA . Uster afasia (1)

Bob Gysin Partner . photos: © Dominique Marc Wehrli . + baunetz

This unobtrusive modular timber structure is the first of three new buildings planned for the Wagerenhof Foundation in Uster. It accommodates a crèche, where inclusivity, tolerance, and instilling self-confidence are paramount. Differentiated interior and outdoor spaces create a reassuring and stimulating atmosphere for children with or without impairments from the age of three months until they start nursery school. Continue reading Bob Gysin


Bob Gysin

Büro und Produktion . Winterthur

Bob Gysin . Büro und Produktion . Winterthur (1)

Bob Gysin + Partner BGP . photos: © Dominique Marc Wehrli . + baunetz

Die prägenden Parameter des Ortes – Platanenallee als grünes Gewölbe und das Gleisfeld – werden als Katalysatoren für den Entwurf genutzt und mit den betrieblichen Anforderungen in Einklang gebracht. Die einzelnen Nutzungsschwerpunkte sind in zwei differenzierten Volumen zusammengefasst, die unterschiedliche Freiräume aufspannen und beide Unternehmen attraktiv adressieren. Insgesamt entsteht eine prägnante Gesamtanlage, bei der Personen- und Warenflüsse sowohl aussen wie innen entflechtet und optimal disponiert sind. Continue reading Bob Gysin