Bearth Deplazes


Bearth Deplazes

Con­crete is able to get people’s blood up like no other con­struc­tion ma­ter­ial, es­pe­cially when it is ex­posed. Is it about an un­fin­ished build­ing shell? Is it its cold grey tone that pro­vokes? If the build­ing is built com­pactly and just suf­fi­ciently equipped with win­dows, it must surely be a “bunker”. Continue reading Bearth Deplazes


Bearth & Deplazes

Entrada retirada a petición de los autores del proyecto.

Post removed as requested by the architects.

Bearth & Deplazes . + divisare

A house, long and narrow, is positioned between a farm courtyard and an open field to form a landscape boundary like a retaining wall. From the angle of approach the appearance changes from double-storey to single-storey structure. A large room carved from the the base of the building, like the hold of a ship, is located on the courtyard side. Above the living room, exposed to the landscape, is spanned by a single roof, like the rigging of a ship. This space is flanked by enclosed sleeping compartments. Sturdy sliding shutter filter a delicate light though wooden slats. Continue reading Bearth & Deplazes