Palazzo del Cinema . Locarno

AZPML . Palazzo del Cinema . Locarno (1)

AZPML . photos: © Giorgio Marafioti . + divisare

Our proposal for the future Palazzo del Cinema di Locarno aims to build a physical structure that will constitute the urban identity of the Locarno Film Festival. The project aims to bring together the infrastructural needs of the Locarno Film Festival, the pre-existent physical structure of the Palazzo Scolastico and the Piazza Remo Rossi to synthesise a structure which will capture the presence of the Film Festival within the city of Locarno. The Locarno Film Festival does not have yet a recognisable home within the city, and the complex of the Palazzo Scolastico and the Piazza Remo Rossi represents a great opportunity to encrust the Film Festival within an urban structure which has already deep affective relations to the Locarno citizens, and a significant presence in today’s cityscape. We hope that our project will be able to intensify both the presence of the Film Festival and the City of Locarno. Continue reading AZPML



Fundación Cerezales Antonino y Cinia . Cerezales del Condado

AZPML . photos: © Rubén Pérez Bescós

Esta ampliación se proyecta como un edificio de madera –estructura y cerramiento– en abanico, situado en la parte superior de la parcela elegida, cota +882,80, formado por planta baja y planta primera sobre rasante y algunos sótanos relativos a las instalaciones del edificio. Continue reading AZPML



Sydnhaven Church . Copenhagen

AZPML . TERROIR . Sydnhaven Church . Copenhagen (1)


Our proposal for the Sydnhaven Church in Copenhagen aims to produce a unique space which takes advantage of the specificity of the location to produce a space which, while having the monumental serenity of more conventional religious spaces, will also have the quality of a collective assembly room for all citizens alike, much like old cathedrals used to be places of congregation which exceeded the simple demands of the liturgy. While the form of the cross is deeply embedded in the structure of the church space, our ambition is for the space to attain a non-denominational quality. Monumentality is in this sense the vehicle to provide the building with a significance which transcends cultural and creed divisions. Continue reading AZPML . TERROIR



Aspern Campus . Vienna

AZPML . SHARE . Aspern Campus . Vienna


The design of a technology building today requires fundamentally the consideration of three targets: the flexibility that will enable the building to adapt to a fast changing entrepreneurial environment, the optimization of the opportunities to create an exchange of information and ideas among the occupants, and the responsiveness towards energy consumption and carbon emissions. Continue reading AZPML . SHARE