Archikon Architects

Children’s Grove on the hill . Budapest

Archikon Architects . photos: © Balázs Danyi

Located in the southern part of Újbuda hills, between the prefabricated apartment blocks from the socialist era and a modern housing area of real estate developers, Madárhegy has been populated mainly with small garden apartment buildings in the last ten years. Many of the new residents are families with children, so there was a significant demand for children’s facilities. Recognising this, the municipality has planned a development including a nursery, kindergarten, a paediatric clinic and a public playground. The architects and landscape architects wanted the design to evoke the original grove feel of the site. Thus the “children’s grove” was born. Continue reading Archikon Architects


Archikon Architects

Wellness Pavilion . Zalacsány

Archikon Architects . photos: © Balázs Danyi

Nestled within the picturesque landscape of Zalacsány, Hungary, the Wellness Pavilion stands as a testament to architectural elegance and its inseparable bond with the surrounding natural environment. This pavilion seamlessly assimilates into the enchanting landscape, creating a sanctuary for well-being. From the moment visitors arrive, they are enveloped in a serene atmosphere within the lush vegetation that surrounds the building. Continue reading Archikon Architects


Archikon Architects

Zöldike Nursery . Budapest

Archikon Architects . photos: © Balázs Danyi

Designing spaces of care and play for the youth requires a kind of craft and sensibility from the designer which goes beyond developing a one-size-fits-all template. Instead, it is a careful and site-specific recontextualization of knowledge accumulated through research and listening to the users. Zöldike Nursery is a great example of the ways in which the exceptional conditions of the environment informed how principles of designing for children manifest on a specific site. Continue reading Archikon Architects