ETB . Nalesso

Tragiardini. Venice

ETB . Nalesso . Tragiardini. Venice afasia (2)

ETB studio . Andrea Nalesso . photos: © Filippo Molena

Located along the fringe of Venice’s Southern Lagoon, in an urban centre of low building density, the project for three housing units is composed prevalently by isolated buildings on lots. The decision to develop the different units through a single, compact organism stems from the strategic objective to optimise the area’s scarce available space, preserving as much surface as possible for the garden. This morphological scheme simultaneously allows for the stimulation of social interaction and the civil cohabitation of residents, firm values that have always characterized the rural lifestyles of the Venetian countryside. These values once physically manifested themselves into villas, barchessas, farmhouses, and compact multi-family buildings, all of which dotted the agricultural landscape reproducing on a micro-scale all the complexity of the territory’s social, economic and cultural life. The project seeks to recollect these features and sow them into the anonymous and hyper-individualistic territory of the sprawling contemporary city. Continue reading ETB . Nalesso