Alventosa Morell

GV house.. Vinyols i els Arcs

Alventosa Morell Arquitectes . photos: © Adrià Goula

The projct is located in a new development area for detached houses very close to the costa daurada, near the Mediterranean Sea. This urbanisation has nothing special as it follows the criteria of all recent planning in Catalonia where the primary objective is the economic performance of land exploitation. Continue reading Alventosa Morell


Fortuny . Alventosa Morell

54 Social Housing . Inca

Joan j Fortuny . Alventosa Morell Arquitectes . fotos: © Jose Hevia

The plot owned by IBAVI has a rectangular shape with an approximate area of 3,266 m2. The proposed proposal attends to two fundamental aspects, the correct insertion of the building in the urban and physical environment as well as a solution that is a synthesis of the functional aspects of the program. The program proposed by the Balearic Housing Institute (IBAVI) consists of Parking in response to municipal regulations that is located underground and the 54 housing are located distributed by 18 flats by floor on the ground floor and two floors. In the interior space there is a common relationship space for users. The building is organized by a north-south axis that gives rise to the location of two independent volumes, creating a public space between them. Continue reading Fortuny . Alventosa Morell


Alventosa Morell

MJ house . La Cerdera

© Adrià Goula

Alventosa Morell Arquitectes

The order of the project is based on the construction of a single family house in the residential area of La Cerdera, Lleida. In this residential area predominates big surface plots (minimum 2000m2) with a composition of Ground Floor+1. Despite the big dimensions of the constructions, the design of the existing houses doesn’t allow them to get profit of the total surface of the garden. Continue reading Alventosa Morell