Abraha Achermann

court house extension . Münchwilen

Abraha Achermann . court house extension  . Münchwilen afasia (1)

Atelier Abraha Achermann . photos: © Rasmus Norlander

A listed court house designed by archi­tect Albert Bren­ner (a stu­dent of Gus­tav Gull) dat­ing back to 1906 has been refur­bished and extended. The build­ing and the com­plex as a whole have a newly cre­ated dual­ity which restruc­tures the site, cre­at­ing a direct dia­logue between the exist­ing and the new build­ing. The house-shaped vol­ume of the exten­sion is con­sis­tent in its geo­met­ri­cal, spa­tial and con­struc­tive ref­er­ences to the old build­ing. Continue reading Abraha Achermann


Abraha Achermann

Bed & breakfast . Hiriketiya

Abraha Achermann  . Bed & breakfast . Hiriketiya afasia (3)

Atelier Abraha Achermann . photos: © Dominic Kim

A vil­lage located on a pic­turesque bay in south­ern Sri Lanka is the venue for a small archaic pro­ject. An inn with access to the Indian Ocean is cre­ated by means of a sculp­tural inter­con­nec­tion between indoor and out­door spaces. A suc­ces­sion of yards and walls sur­round four guest rooms, with out­door show­ers and a direct view over the ocean. Two out­door stair­cases lead up to a pub­lic roof ter­race with a fire­place and a raised plat­form offer­ing a spec­tac­u­lar angled view over the coast­line and the sea. The con­crete build­ing was con­structed in small steps. The raw kept sur­faces reflect the local hand­craft where avail­able resources are lim­ited. All open­ings have wind per­me­able wooden shut­ters. There are no win­dows, indeed, there is no glass. The floor­ing is at dif­fer­ent lev­els allow­ing for mas­sive rain­fall dur­ing the rainy sea­son and cre­at­ing a fine pat­tern of thresh­olds and spa­tial hier­ar­chies. Continue reading Abraha Achermann


Abraha Achermann

Erlenmatt Ost . Basel

Abraha Achermann  . Erlenmatt Ost . Basel afasia (1)

Atelier Abraha Achermann . photos: © Rasmus Norlander

Two uncon­ven­tional build­ings pro­vid­ing space for liv­ing and work­ing are being con­structed on the Erlen­matt devel­op­ment area in Basel oppo­site the his­toric grain silo belong­ing to the Deutsche Bahn (Ger­man Rail­way). Based on the build­ings on the pre­de­fined mas­ter­plan, a sys­tem of walls cre­ates a sim­ple and uncom­pro­mis­ing hous­ing typol­ogy which allows for a host of dif­fer­ent options. The res­i­den­tial units are either two-storey, three-storey or, in extreme cases, four-storey flats which are accessed via two-storey per­go­las. Continue reading Abraha Achermann


Abraha Achermann

Refurbishment and Extension of a House for Two Familys . Lucerne

© Rasmus Norlander

Atelier Abraha Achermann . photos: © Rasmus Norlander

A generous garden surrounds a modest two family house from the twenties, which has been refurbished. A gently sculpted new extension in bushhammered concrete forms a base to the existing house, and connects it to the garden. It hosts additional three living spaces, which are zoned through split levels. Continue reading Abraha Achermann