


HEIMAT . fotos: © Fernando Alda

En el barrio sevillano de Triana se ubica la clínica de Dual Fisioterapia. El local, de reducidas dimensiones y un solo frente de fachada, exigía un proyecto muy compacto que resolviera los usos de manera eficaz. Continue reading Heimat


käferstein & meister

RESIDENTIAL BUILDING «George» . Feldmeilen

käferstein & meister . Three-family house «George» . Feldmeilen Jürgen Beck afasiA (1)

käferstein & meister architekten . photos: © Jürgen Beck

This elegant residential building, which replaces a small villa from the 1930s, is located in a quiet neighbourhood on a sunny slope in Feldmeilen overlooking Lake Zurich. It offers a stepped garden flat in the plinth and two maisonettes on the upper floors. With its generous terraces and large openings on the lakeside, the house responds to the impressive view and to an open garden plain. In contrast, the street side with its small forecourt, gravelled driveways and a simple fountain that collects rainwater from the canopy, has a rather unpretentious character that is emphasised by a black painted wood cladding. Continue reading käferstein & meister



Mathilda | Hagen school extension . Altdorf

Knüselleibundgut . photos: © Rasmus Norlander . + wbw

In 2019 we were granted the privilege to erect our design for an addition to the Hagen school building in Altdorf. The extension was to create a new experience in harmony with the existing building while bringing new life to an already vibrant place. In accordance with the urban planning and layout typology, the expansion fluidly connects with the grid of the existing structures with its own contemporary identity. The additional building resonates with the location through its scale and design while communicating a new expression of simplicity and modernity. Individual motifs and elements from the original schoolhouse have been reinterpreted extending the connection between old and new to the finest details. Continue reading Knüselleibundgut