Jose Rafael Moneo was born in Tudela in the province of Navarra (Spain) in 1937. After graduating from the Escuela Técnica Superior of Madrid in 1961, he traveled to Europe to work with Jørn Utzon and Alvar Aalto before returning to Madrid. In 1963, he was awarded a fellowship at the Spanish Academy in Rome, where he remained until 1965. Upon his return to Spain, he opened his office in Madrid and began teaching at the Escuela Técnica Superior of Madrid (1966-1970). In 1970, he won a teaching chair in architectural theory at the Escuela Técnica Superior of Barcelona, where he was a professor until 1980. From 1980 to 1985, he was chair professor of composition at the Escuela Técnica Superior of Madrid. In 1985, Rafael Moneo was appointed Chairman of the Architecture Department of the Harvard University Graduate School of Design, a position he held until 1990. In 1991, he was named Josep Lluís Sert Professor of Architecture at Harvard University Graduate School of Design, where he continues to teach. Rafael Moneo combines his professional activity as an architect with that as a lecturer, critic, and theoretician. His writings have been published in the foremost professional magazines and the presentation of his work through lectures and exhibitions has taken him to numerous institutions on both sides of the Atlantic. Continue reading Rafael Moneo
Category: talksMostrar todas las entradas
Arno Brandlhuber
+ slowness
A Brandlhuber building doesn’t just introduce new forms; it asks new questions, brings forth new modes of discourse, a philosophy he refers to as “argumenting architecture.” Continue reading Arno Brandlhuber
David Chipperfield
In this fourth session of Cosmopolitan Dialogues, British architect and 2023 Pritzker Prize winner Sir David Chipperfield reflects on his personal and professional journey in conversation with fellow architect, critic, and academic Luis Fernández-Galiano. Throughout the discussion, Chipperfield emphasizes his commitment to sustainable architecture and community engagement, tracing his path from his early projects in Japan for Issey Miyake’s stores to his international recognition for the restorations of the Neues Museum in Berlin and the Neue Nationalgalerie designed by Mies van der Rohe. Continue reading David Chipperfield
David Chipperfield
We visited one of the great architects of our time, David Chipperfield, who has had a strong personal connection to the Spanish region of Galicia for almost half his life. Continue reading David Chipperfield
Francisco Alonso
Francisco Alonso [Madrid 1943] estudia en la Escuela Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid.
Amplia su formación con Max Bill en Zurich y con Ove Arup en Londres. Continue reading Francisco Alonso