Steven Holl Architects

Maggie’s Centre Barts. London

Steven Holl Architects . + archdaily

The site in the center of London is adjacent to the large courtyard of St. Bartholomew’s Hospital. Founded in Smithfield in the 12th century, the hospital is the oldest in London and was founded at the same time as the St. Bartholomew the Great Church in 1123. Rahere founded the church and hospital “for the restoration of poor men.” Layers of history characterize this unique site, connecting deeply to the Medieval culture of London. Continue reading Steven Holl Architects



harbour pedestrian bridge . Esbjerg

COBE . Esbjerg

COBE together with Jorton, SM Valmont, MOE and Krabbenhøft & Ingolfsson have won the international competition for a new promenade and pedestrian bridge connecting Esbjerg harbour – Denmark’s biggest harbour as regards area – with the city center of Esbjerg. The 280 m long bridge takes shape as a branch gradually connecting and growing between the harbor edge and the city. Each turn offers new vantage points with unique views to Esbjerg, the historic surrounding landscape and the water front. Continue reading COBE