Cheshire architects

Eyrie Twin Cabins . Kaiwaka

Cheshire Architects architects  . Eyrie Twin Cabins .  Kaiwaka

Cheshire Architects architects . photos: © Jeremy Toth . + ideasgn

Eyrie comprises two houses near Kaiwaka. Each is barely larger than four sheets of plywood. They are made from wood, are off-grid and autonomous, their outsides burnt black. This project is part polemic, part escape. Holiday homes have become this country’s decadence. Our sub-prime estuarine site permitted a 1500m² palace. It forbade two 29m² cabins. At night we talked excitedly about Malevich’s Suprematism; in the morning we got up and wrote legal submissions on visual density and the attrition of driveways. We wanted a different vision for New Zealand’s coastal future. In these houses a history of prismatic abstraction is conflated with a poetic of small boats bobbing in a sea of grass. There are no doors. One climbs up boulders and in through a window instead. We hoped that in subverting the shorthand language of building these little constructions might feel like something other than – and more than – houses. Continue reading Cheshire architects





BRUNODIAS arquitectura . photos: © Hugo Santos Silva

O projeto para uma loja na Rua Manuel de Melo, Ansião.
A proposta teve por base a criação de um espaço vocacionado para atividades de lazer, com o objetivo de satisfazer necessidades de lazer e de quebra da rotina, essencial ao equilíbrio físico, psicológico e social dos seus utilizadores.
Um centro de férias e lazer que proporciona aos seus clientes, estadias fora do quadro habitual de vida, contactos com comunidades e espaços diferentes, vivências em grupo, como formas de integração social, promoção do desenvolvimento do espírito de interajuda, fomentado da capacidade criadora e do espírito de iniciativa. Continue reading BRUNODIAS


Fruehauf Henry & Viladoms


Fruehauf  Henry & Viladoms . ST-SULPICE II COMMERCIAL BUILDING . St-Sulpice

Fruehauf Henry & Viladoms Architectes . photos: © Fruehauf Henry & Viladoms Architectes

The building was conceived with the concern to create a dialog with the neighbouring housing building, also commissioned by the same client. This is expressed primarily by the geometry of the volumes whose pleated façades reinforce their pavilion like nature, and through the use of concrete, glass and metal as main construction materials.
One enters the building though a generous entrance leading to a central hall bathed in natural overhead light. The hall unfolds ver- tically in a cascading manner with a staircase leading to the first floor.
The construction consists in a grid like concrete structure to be cast on site. The concrete slabs carry from the core to the façade, thus freeing the office spaces of all structural elements. Continue reading Fruehauf Henry & Viladoms


Casadevall & Sayeras

biblioteca en el Distrito de Sant Martí. Barcelona

renders: © ANP (Narcís Pujol)

El nuevo volumen, delimitada urbanísticamente su ocupación en planta, se resuelve mediante una retícula estructural y compositiva de 7 x 7 metros (inter-eje pilares).
El nuevo equipamiento responde a la voluntad de dar respuesta a la alineación retranqueada de la edificación vecina de la calle Concili de Trento al otro lado de la calle Treball, así como de generar un sencillo espacio público de encuentro y relacional vecinal en frente de su acceso: se extraen varios módulos de la primera crujía en el frontal a la calle Concili, generando un acceso cubierto y simultáneamente permitiendo visuales abiertas y cruzadas desde los alrededores. El gran espacio porticado resultado del vaciado nos conecta con el entorno más inmediato, facilitando su permeabilidad física y visual de los flujos de los peatones.
Continue reading Casadevall & Sayeras