Liz Magic Laser

The Thought Leader . 2015

Liz Magic Laser . + Notes from the Underground by Fyodor Dostoyevsky at Proyecto Gutenberg

For The Thought Leader, Laser used the format of the increasingly popular TED Talk. She directed 10-year-old actor, Alex Ammerman, to deliver a monologue she adapted from Fyodor Dostoevsky’s Notes from the Underground (1864). TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) is a global series of motivational speeches with the mission to promote “the power of ideas to change attitudes, lives and ultimately, the world.” TED Talks, primarily viewed as online videos, have promoted a forceful and inspirational presentation style across a wide spectrum of professions. Speakers typically propose idealistic solutions to contemporary issues but have often been criticized for failing to offer tangible steps for achieving their utopian visions. Laser insinuates the Underground Man’s views into the TED Talk format: she applies Dostoevsky’s attack on the socialist ideal of enlightened self-interest to its contemporary capitalist incarnation.
Liz Magic Laser


Willem de Rooij

We Really Log . 2015


Willem de Rooij has been producing hand woven, abstract tapestries since 2009. For Rye Wonk he will present a series of new weavings, where the interplay of warp and weft, the weave, the tension, the materiality and thickness of the threads, their colors and textures, are all of crucial importance.
Continue reading Willem de Rooij


Monika Sosnowska

Antechamber . 2011

+ Fundação de Serralves

Monika Sosnowska’s structures create alternative spatial routes that rely on the viewer’s movement through them, free-standing sculptures and sculptural interventions that allude to collapse and the fragment, and large-scale wrought iron works composed of structural elements for buildings on a scale of one to one, that are melded into suspended, draped and shifting forms in space to monumental effect. Continue reading Monika Sosnowska


Eddo Hartmann


huis marseille . photos: © Eddo Hartmann

Setting the Stage: Pyongyang sees photographer Eddo Hartmann and North Korean art specialists Koryo Studio collaborate on a project documenting the North Korean endeavour to shape the ultimate socialist city and the lives of the people in it. In any socialist regime, architecture plays a key part in the process of building up a new social and political environment. Continue reading Eddo Hartmann