Architecture School . Zurich

MMXVI . Architecture Schools . Zurich  (1)


ETH Zurich master diploma by Edward Jewitt.

The architecture student will inevitably transform every corner of a studio build­ing into a workshop. The rooftop terrace becomes a photo studio on a dry day. The corridor walls turn into pin-up zones where the passer-by momentarily in­teracts with the discussion. In the final weeks the floor is gradually covered by a sedimentation of cardboard, plaster and anything that was once on a table but had to make way for the next step of the design.

These moments are characterised by the factor of time where individuals cre­ate their own stage for the task at hand. Rather than an attempt to prohibit and regulate certain aspects of the working process, the task of a school of architec­ture should be to provide a simple and robust space for the creative process of its students.