su und z

Residential Complex Zschokkestraße . Munich

su und z Architekten . photos: © Sebastian Schels

In Laim, between the founding era district, the industrial yard, and the large-scale structures of the 1960s and 70s, the new residential complex “laimlight” was created. The dynamic surrounding environment served as an inspiration for the architectural concept.
The urban block defines a clear edge along the four-lane Zschokkestraße, while seemingly dissolving along the quieter Wilhelm-Riehl-Straße.

“In the tension between architectural culture and history, a new urban building block has emerged that blends into the cityscape, opens up to the neighborhood, and sets new impulses.”

The eight-story building block on the main street serves as the face of the new district. Shared spaces, such as event rooms and a café, are planned for the ground floor. At the same time, it protects the facilities behind it.
The rear dissolves into lower volumes along the small residential street, opening the block to the neighboring community. The volumes intertwine and merge, creating interconnected courtyards: a meandering, green oasis with connecting pathways and exciting sightlines. Additionally, the rooftops are activated and made accessible to the residents.

The external access enlivens the neighborhood and fosters cross-district interaction, while maintaining the privacy of the courtyards. The buildings offer conventional apartments as well as forward-thinking housing models, such as shared living spaces, co-living apartments, and co-working areas.
Additionally, the residential complex features a future-oriented mobility concept. The first basement level contains a mobility floor with extensive sharing services, parking spaces for cargo bikes and bike trailers, a workshop, and a washing station.

The facade along Zschokkestraße is characterized by a protruding loggia zone, which gives depth to the exterior and adds rhythm. The brick facades of the rear buildings are inspired by the appearance of the classic punched facade. Sustainable materials such as bricks and wood, warm metal tones, and colorful textile elements enhance the identity-building character of the new residential quarter.

From Industrial Yard to Residential Complex Zschokkestraße

Munich, Germany
GEHO-West Immobilienverwaltungs GmbH &Co.KG, München WRC GmbH & Co. KG
Property size in m²:
Gross floor area (in German BGF) above ground in m²
residential use, kindergarten, co-working, café, cookery studio, sports room, roof terrace
Project Team
Antonia Frey-Vorhammer, Antje Köllner, Antal Strausz, Björn Swedjemark, Charlotte Hoffmann, Eva
Miklavcic, Elena Marin Luque, Florian Zielinski, Julian Weber, Lilly Brauner, Melanie Sommerfeld,
Melanie Hürner, Matthias Wolter, Philipp Konrad, Petra Murböck, Reinhard Unger, Simon Heidenreich,
Swantje Meiners, Stefan Speier, Valentina Grau
Sebastian Schels
studio B Landschaftsarchitektur, Munich