Buol & Zünd Architekten . photos: © George Aerni
A new town house in historic downtown Berne arose on the fragments of the previous buildings, consisting of the front building facing Kramgasse and the three rear buildings on Rathausgasse. A structural investigation reconstitutes the previous partitioning of the building, which can be traced through the vaulted cellars, as apartments of various sizes. Thus a variety of different impressions of room shapes and internal spaces are created, which simultaneously interpret and reconstitute the historical building and its position within the city structure.
The building structure, with a front building, three rear buildings and a chamber-like residential typology, follows the conventions of the historical old townhouses, as well as the previous traces of the baroque city palace. In between this there is a courtyard, which not only is the heart of the location but also serves as access. The structural and atmospheric quality of the courtyard with its softly evocative basket arches makes reference to the former courtyard in an evolved manner and allows a link between the fragments of the previous protected baroque facade to Kramgasse with the new construction.
Replacement of the former “Cinema Capitol“ in the historic town of Berne.
Adresse: Kramgasse 72, Rathausgasse 61, Bern
Bauherrschaft: HIG Immobilen Anlage Stiftung, Zürich
Projektbeteiligte: Ausführung: Vincenzo Maddalena, Viola Hillmer, Anna Jeschko, Mathieu Senk, Alex Turner, Fabian Fiechter, Eliza Doz, Nina Hajizadeh
Wettbewerb: Anna Jeschko, Anna Salvioni, Mathieu Senk, Tobias Seeman, Till Göggelmann
Fertigstellung: Juni 2022
Fotografie: Georg Aerni