GGLL atelier

Matilde Rosa Araújo Elementary and Secondary School Laboratories

GGLL atelier . Matilde Rosa Araújo Elementary and Secondary School Laboratories JM Figueiredo  afasia (1)

GGLL atelier . photos: © JM Figueiredo . + archdaily

The laboratory construction is located in an over-elevated landscape area, within the school limits, which consists in a set of pavilions organized according to a rectilinear structure.

The two laboratory modules were raised on an existing concrete wall, the first aligns with the classroom pavilions and the second moves forward, allowing to create an access ramp to a third volume, where the entrance is located and where the preparation room was designed.

While the entire building façades were lined with hexagonal concrete tiles that remind the structure of carbon molecules, their absence creates a second, deeper plane that represents the artistic molecular formulas and allows the natural light to enter the classrooms. The windows sit behind these gaps, providing distance and privacy to the inner user.