PKMN architectures . photos: © Javier de Paz García . + domusweb
The relationships we establish with the objects we own happen on a very special manner at the interior of our houses, we assume spaces we inhabit by surrounding ourselves with our belongings, thus the way in which we accumulate and display our stuff through the space ends up reflecting our personality.
The reasons leading us to accumulate objects are many, functional or not; we may acquire something because we feel they represent us or just because we think they’re pretty; we become ourselves emotional interior designers, there exists a close relationship between the way in which we arrange our house, the events that take place in it and the way in which these experiences affect us.
Each of our possessions has its own private story, a memory associated to it and, just the same way in which we grow and change, our personal belongings change, we get rid of some stuff but we resist losing much of it, we could easily picture ourselves through our possessions.
All I Own House is a project that materialises the interior of a house through its inhabitant personal belongings.
Author: PKMN architectures
Client: Yolanda R. Pila
Photography: Javier de Paz García
Video: PKMN [pacman] + Daniel Meré
Structural Engineer: Mecanismo SL
Facilities Engineer: Alberto Espinosa
Builder company: Rusega SL
Carpentry: Alfredo Merino Caldas. Cantimpalos
Slide systems: Hepco
Ceramics: Mosaic del Sur
Date: Jan-Aug 2014
Location: Madrid, Spain.