Florian Nagler

Our Garden House – House without Cement . Munich

Florian Nagler Architekten . photos: © Pk. Odessa Co, Schels, Lanz . + baunetz

The house in the garden at Theodor-Storm-Strasse 16 in Munich Pasing was designed as an extension to the living and office areas of the front building. It was important to be able to retain the beautiful garden as far as possible and even to enhance it by creating new, differentiated areas.

The building was planned as a three-storey structure with a view to a low degree of sealing, and thereby has a footprint that is as small as possible. In principle, three similar units are stacked one on top of the other, all of which can be used as either apartments or offices and can also be switched between each other. The aim was also to be able to create a barrier-free apartment on the ground floor if required.

The building was constructed – as a further development of our “simply build” project – with layerless constructions, and we also wanted to show that it is already possible to construct a building completely without cement. From the foundation to the bathrooms to the fireplace. Wood, clay and natural stone are the dominant materials.

The use of technology has been reduced to what is absolutely necessary, with a wood pellet heating system supplying heat to the building from the front house. A PV system mounted directly on the roofing is intended to cover at least part of the site’s electricity requirements.