Morris+Company . photos: © Jack Hobhouse
Some images of 3 Sheldon Square released by 299 Lighting.
Much has changed in the way we think about and design workplaces. Through the climate crisis, global pandemic, changing work patterns and increased awareness of the mental strain workplaces place on our lives, the era of airless offices prioritising efficiencies over user experience has been replaced by a desire for connections to nature. 3 Sheldon Square is a typology breaking approach, emphasising the value of existing buildings, but enhanced energy efficiencies, lower operational carbon and abundant amenity; an exemplar project in line with britishlandplc’s 2030 sustainability strategy.
The building’s sheer, glazed curtain wall facades are currently subject to excessive solar gain in summer and thermal heat loss in winter. To mitigate this, the design strategy comprises focused low-carbon interventions. The proposal also improves the visual appearance of the building’s glass southern and eastern facades, animating the entrance with activity, depth, shadow and greenery, whilst providing occupiers with a new-found connectivity to nature. The design improves both inward and outward looking views as well as introducing opportunity for biodiversity to the urban realm in line with Paddington Central’s Biodiversity Action Plan.
Jane Chew
Matt Fallowfield Cooper
Alberto Sols
Rowena Bond
Aifric Carroll
Emily Fribbance
Rose Botfield
Tania Marques Perez
Eleonora Valle
Sandra Youkhana
Ben Myers
Keir Regan-Alexander
David Storring
Joe Morris