Brandenberger Kloter

Atelierhaus Luftmattstrasse . Basel

Brandenberger Kloter . photos: © Willem Pab . + archdaily

The apartment building is situated in the Gellert district of Basel. In place of an old garage, a U-shaped perimeter development was built at one end, which is orientated in three directions. The plastered single-leaf brickwork with regularly arranged windows and deep reveals gives the façade its spatial depth.

In the spirit of a spatial plan by Adolf Loos, the rooms with different heights on the ground and first floors are grouped around a central concrete core. The workshop, entrance hall, dining area, kitchen, living space, office, and communal room form a multifaceted spatial continuum and interact on two levels.

The complex spatial organization creates diverse references to the outdoor environment, while the materialization, with exposed concrete ceilings, a felt-brushed lime-based plaster on the walls and terrazzo flooring, achieves a contrasting simplicity.
