Vatn . Tandberg

Brunstranda Service Building . Lofoten

Vatn Architecture . Jørgen Tandberg Arkitekt . photos: © Johan Dehlin

The area is a popular local attraction, with its wild nature and white sandy beaches. The project is a service building with toilets and a rest space for surfers and bicycle tourists.

Due to the remote location and harsh climate, the building is constructed from prefabricated concrete elements: beams that are 14m long, 1m tall and 12cm wide, resting on concrete end-walls with internal and external concrete. We worked closely with a local manufacturer to create the elements, which have aggregate of white stone, and are bush-hammered to create a colour and texture fitting with the local beaches. The building just opened this summer, and Johan came with us to document it. Low-res photographs and a selection of drawings are attached. We hope you like the project.

Project details: Location: Lofoten, Norway Architecture: Vatn Architecture and Jørgen Tandberg Arkitekt MNAL
Landscape architecture: Silje Myhre Amundsen, Statens vegvesen (State Highways Authority)
Client: Norwegian Scenic Routes, Statens vegvesen
Structural engingeers: Finn-Erik Nilsen and K. Apeland
Photography: Johan Dehlin