Paredes Pedrosa Arquitectos . photos: © Luis Asín
Murcia’s Congress Centre announced winner for the CSCAE ARCHITECTURE AWARD FOR PERMANENCE.
The Congress Centre completes the programme of uses of the Murcia Auditorium, a work in which exteriors and interiors converge and an enclosure of halls and courtyards is configured in a garden that functions as a meeting point and creates a permanent visual relationship between the two spaces. After twenty years since its construction and an intensive use complementary to the musical use of the Auditorium, its halls have hosted congresses, exhibitions, events, celebrations… Exterior and interior blend together through the reflection of the glass enclosures. In this way, the rooms follow one another in an open and luminous enclosure, between courtyards, in which its size allows the direct entry of sunlight to be controlled in a continuous transparency. The project has received mentions and awards for its architectural design for decades.