Robert Smithson

Broken Circle/Spiral Hill . 1971

Robert Smithson . Broken CircleSpiral Hill . 1971 afasia (3)

+ Broken Circle

Broken Circle/Spiral Hill (1971) is located in Emmen, in the province of Drenthe. Commissioned for the 1971 edition of the recurring outdoor exhibition Sonsbeek, it is his only earthwork outside the United States. Broken Circle/Spiral Hill is sited in a former sand-mine, cut into the side of a terminal moraine. It is an artwork of two parts. Broken Circle is a semi-circular jetty built into the quarry lake, filled with reflecting green water. Spiral Hill rises into a cone-shaped hill beside the lake. A spiraling path leads to the top, from where the quarry and Broken Circle can be seen from above. At the center is an immovable huge boulder deposited by the ancient glacial movements.
Holt/Smithson Foundation